Guys – I need your help. Honest opinion about these shoes from ALDO Rise by PREEN; yes or no? I’ve never been this torn (slight exaggeration – there are far more important dilemmas than ones containing shoes…).
They´re one of those shoes that are so beautiful to look at, but I’m just not that sure how much I would wear them? I really need to prioritise my purchases at the moment – my wardrobe is literally about to explode (another really important dilemma to have, right?).
Any opinions are much appreciated!
From Selfridges, £135.
Are these out yet???? Buy them. I WANT THEM xx
South Molton St Style
Yes, were out in Jan! I want them! X
Yes, they’re were out in Jan! SO nice xx
I say go for them, they’ll be great with jeans and skirts and dresses and pretty much anything for the style and colour they have.
They´re gorgeous…GET THEM!
They’re nice but maybe not so versatile?